Monday, April 25, 2011

Manic Mommy Monday: Traveling

Traveling with a toddler... Ug.  For the Easter holiday we traveled to Maryland from North Carolina to visit with family.  For both legs of the trip I had tried to plan the driving around Mattingly's nap/ sleep schedule.  Well, she did not want to sleep.  I am not sure if she was just really interested in everything that was going on or what, but she only slept about an hour (right before we arrived) on the trip up and slept for another hour (as soon as we got in the car) on the way home.  This was not what I planned and although she was a great in the car for the 6 hour drives, it was much harder to try to keep her occupied.  I found myself turned around for most of the trip picking up dropped/thrown books and pacifiers.  Overall she was a real trooper, but if she had slept for 3 hours each way as planned, it would have been much easier.  I am not sure how people who do even longer trips manage!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Reviews: Buffett in Raleigh

Jimmy Buffett came to Raleigh last week (Apr. 19) and like most local Parrotheads I took the day off work and ventured out to taligate and see the show.  I have been to many many Buffett shows in various states and am pretty critical, especially after the poor tailgating experience in Raleigh a few years ago.  I had originally planned to have my bestfriends come down from MD/VA for the show, but since it was on a Tuesday they could not make it.  I then found out that my Aunt would be in town so Paul and I ended up going with my Mom and my Aunt.  First rule of the parking lot, claim your tailgating spot!  We did and ended up in one of the best tailgating spots that Walnut Creek has to offer (people were actually mad at us).  Anyway, we made nice and handed out margarita and pina colada cupcakes.  Soon our tailgate neighbors became our best friends.  Paul and I went on the mandatory walk-about (adventure around the parking lot) and although it was nothing compared to the shows I have seen in VA and FL, everyone was a lot of fun and I even scored a new Lanshark Lager banner to display at the next tailgate.  Overall the tailgate experience was fun... but not enough to continue writing about...

Onto the show.  While Ilo opened I maneuvered my party through the crowds in the lawn until we were front and center.  Then the show began and when Buffett opened with Wino and I Know, I knew it would be a good show!  While most people sat during the 'ole stuff' and everyone stood during the 'yellow CD songs' I was the opposite.  Screaming and yelling like a 12 year old at a Justin Bieber concert and sang to every song.  Below is a list of my favorites...

The Wino and I Know
Off to See the Lizard (with new verse about falling off stage in Australia
Life is Just a Tire Swing
Great Filling Station Holdup
Lady I Can't Explain
School Boy Heart
Sending the Old Man Home
Chanson Pour Les Petits Enfants
Coast of Carolina
In the City (with Mac)

This is a list of a lot of really great songs and I can't believe how many more greats are out there.  This show seemed more like a tribute to true fans than just catering to the Buffett fans for a day and I really appreciated that!  This was reinforced by the few other die hards I could hear screaming in the crowds 'His best friend Magnus right by his side... once around Venus twice around Mars.'  He did not play Drunk and Screw and I could not be happier!  The weather could not have been more perfect!  Now summer has officially begun and it will not end until the VA show in August. 

Fins Up!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Manic Mommy Mondays: Just say "No"?

Well, the early stages of the 'terrible twos' have begun... whether from us or the other kids at school, Mattingly has learned the word 'No.' 

Do you want to get dressed? No.
Do you want to stay in your pajamas? No.

Do you want more food? No.
Are you all done? No.

Do you want to go outside? No.
Do you want to stay inside? No.

No, no, no...  so frustrating.  I have read that during this phase we need to be more careful and not phrase the things we want in the form of a question.  We need to use more demanding language.  This has actually worked.  When I say 'put the blocks back on the shelf', she still says 'no' but precedes to follow the instruction.  It is kind of unelievable.  My guess is that she does not even know what 'no' means.  Hopefully if we just ignore what she is saying she will just assume it has no effect and she will stop saying it. 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Friday Fit Club: P90X Review

P90X is a workout program from Beach Body which promises "In just 90 days, you can get back in shape, or build the body you've always wanted. All you need is a set of dumbbells or resistance bands, a pull-up bar, and about an hour a day. No gym membership required." 

My husband and I borrowed the P90X program from my mother.  We would put our daughter to bed and workout, every night.  Chin ups, pull ups, lunges, jumps and crazy one handed and clap push ups.  We were strict for 8 weeks, then we would miss a night or be too tired, but we continued and finished most of the last month.  The results were great.  I finally slimmed down my arms after the pregnancy and my legs and stomach were toned.  I was in shape for the summer and we took a few months off, as suggested by the program.

We tried to start back up again early this spring, but not even the results from the 1st round could motivate me to put the necessary time into the program.  The shortest workout is 52 minutes (not including the ab workout) and the longest is 90 minutes.  One option is to wake up at 6:00 am to workout and still have time to shower, wake Mattingly and get her to school and us to work.  We tried this for a bit, but I am NOT a morning person.  The other option is to workout again after Mattingly goes to sleep.  The problem with that is there are so many other things that need to happen, I can't focus.  So, as Paul continues to wake up at 6:00am, I sleep.

My review - if you have all the time in the world, this is a great workout and provides great results.  But if you are a mother who works full time and tries her best to take care of her husband and her house, this workout is just too time consuming.