Thursday, September 3, 2009

Stinky Diapers

To breastfeed or not to breatfeed... that is the question asked by many expecting mothers and unless the decision is made for you due to medical reasons, most mothers begin by weighing the pros and cons. One of the many pros that everyone tells you is that the poop doesn't smell if you breastfeed. Well, I would like for everyone to clarify the word "smell". I am breastfeeding and I must say that those diapers are stinky! When I brought this up to someone who continued to mention how great it was that they don't smell her response scared me... just wait until she starts eating regular food!!! WHAT - apparantly the diaper is going to be 10 times as stinky as it is now and I am suppose to enjoy this 'mild smell' while it lasts. Jeez.

1 comment:

  1. Ah yes, regular food will do that. If you formula feed at all, hold your nose. Then, if you have to use soy for some reason - get yourself a haz-mat suit.
    Seriously, breastfed baby's diapers smell like roses compared to all other options!
