The options were (1) try 'version' which is an attempt to turn the baby into the head down position which would be automatically followed by inducing labor to prevent the baby from turning back or getting caught in the umbilical cord; or (2) scheduling a C-Section asap to prevent me from going into labor with a breech baby, which could have all sorts of problems. We decided to try for a natural birth and scheduled the version for 9:30 on Saturday morning. We packed all of our bags and were prepared to have our baby on Saturday!
I rested for awhile as they confirmed that everything was ok with the baby and then the doctor and our mid-wife came in to begin the version. They made two attempts which lasted about 1 minute each and Paul coached me through the pain as if I was having contractions.... breathe 1...2...3... They had a game plan and pushed with all their might, but baby would not budge. We then had to begin to accept the fact that we would be having a C-Section. We were asked if we wanted to do it that day, or comes back at the beginning of the week. We decided that with my weak stomach for such procedures it would be best to just do it that day and prevent me from having too much time to think about everything. Also, we had gotten pretty excited to meet our little girl and really did not want to push it off if we didn't have too.
The doctor's then talked to the hospital about scheduling the C-Section, but they were not thrilled about scheduling an 'elective' operation for a weekend. She talked to the anesthesiologist and he agreed to allow the surgery, but it would have to wait until after his more urgent procedures. We were scheduled for 1 pm, but were then pushed back until after 4 pm due to a few other surgeries. However, when one of the nurses checked my monitors she informed me that I was having contractions! She then checked and sure enough I was 2 cm dilated and natural labor had begun.
We were both pretty excited to know that Mattingly Olivia had entered the world, but she still had a lot of amniotic fluid in her lungs and they had to use a respirator for about a half an hour. I was able to see her for a second, but then they whisked her away. Her APGAR score was 1 out of 10 initially but after they were able to suction some of the fluids she quickly jumped to an 8. They originally wanted to keep her in the nursery for 4 hours, but her condition improved so much that I was able to see her and hold her in my arms after only the minimum nursery time. The nurses were all wonderful and we had a great hospital stay. Mattie is doing fantastic and even more precious than we could ever imagine!!!
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