I can certainly understand why many new mothers do not go back to work following maternity leave. I keep having to tell myself, I like my job, I like my job... The problem is that it is hard to remember those times that I actually did like my job. With hormones raging, being uncomfortable ALL the time and being just plain irritable in general, I hate everything about my job! From the phone calls that I deem 'stupid', the big tasks that seem to take forever and the small tasks that seem meanlingless to the hateful paperclips that keep getting stuck together, it is becoming hard to understand why I like what I do. Who invented those idiotic paper clips anyway?!? If this bad taste is what I am left with when I head into maternity leave I will need a real push to come back. I am sure this will all pass and I will return as happy as ever, but I just cannot imagine that right now. Well, here's to hoping the computer does not go out the window before my leave begins!